Sep 21Liked by Beachman

"But the vast majority of nations will tip toe into this space, likely taking a couple of decades for broader adoption."

I think governments may behave more like multinationals on this point, and we may see a flurry of soveriegn investment in the next couple of years -- not a couple of decades, so as not to miss out and get 'hopelessly behind' (FOMO).

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I can see several countries wanting to use AI to run their administration, civic services etc. Also for military, espionage against their enemies and even on their citizens (e.g. China). So early adopters are coming in now, perhaps followed by developed countries who can afford it. But most of the rest will not adopt quickly because it is expensive, they dont have the talent etc. Lots of govts still run on paper and pen basis, forget about cloud and AI. We also have to consider possible future US restrictions that could be placed on NVDA selling to certain countries. Will be interesting to see how things play out in this space.

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