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Markets Whispers
Market Whispers - Mar 29th 2024

Market Whispers - Mar 29th 2024

Markets: Deciphering the latest macro signals and market cues for investors

Welcome to Market Whispers, a weekly podcast where Beachman covers the most important market signals that investors should be aware of. I am also publishing this content, a few hours later, on my YouTube channel “Market Whispers by Beachman” (see the link below).

This week, we explore actionable takeaways from the US Feds’ most recent meeting and interest rate decision. We discuss Apple, Google and AI. We cover some recent macro updates and we get a taste of everyone’s favorite food - chocolate.

Cheers and good luck out there.

P.S. I was unable to provide a PDF transcript file with this episode. Substack has upgraded the transcripting engine and now does not allow me to create the PDF. Please use the transcript that is provided on this podcast episode page. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Beachman’s Newsletter
Markets Whispers
Beachman is on the hunt for long-term, multi-bagger, investment opportunities
(Twitter: @Iwannabeontheb2 Instagram: @investwithbeachman)